William: My cousin, Neil, called out of the blue to see if I would join him for the race. Pondered for a few days and now couldn’t be happier to give it a go! We are miles apart – Saskatoon, Canada to Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea 11,932 km – but I reckon it will work!
I am grateful that I can just take this on. Many folk don’t have the option to take on an opportunity when it arises. Many folk need a second chance, need to be ready for that next opportunity when it shows up. I am going to support locally in Saskatoon, Canada – crocuscooperative.org, possibilitiesrecovery.ca. I would encourage all to reach out locally and support a second chance concept.
Neil: The Yukon River. A name that stirs memories of Jack London and invokes visions of exploration, hardship, endurance and adventure!
I’ve never been there, but from the great beauty and wilderness from my home in Papua New Guinea to those of the Yukon, I cannot wait to experience the contrasts; which will be stark and startling.
I hope I do the river justice.