
26. GFC

Will & Toby

“ Standing in the queue to climb Mt. Everest didn’t excite me, but the Yukon 1000 really ticks the boxes ”

The team have an obsession with seeing how far they can push themselves beyond what they perceive as possible – very much in line with the Yukon 1000 spirit!

The Atlantic crossing taught Toby the necessity of absolute respect for nature and the lengths one can push physically through digging deep to new levels mentally. It is now 5 years since crossing the ocean and I have been looking for the next challenge for a while. They intend to bring everything I’ve got to the Yukon, enjoying the wonders of the environment whilst competing whole-hearted.

Coupled with Will’s experience on the land (ultra-runner, ski instructor and mountain leader) these two are one of the younger teams on the race but have a lot of experience to offer the mighty Yukon.

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This team will raise funds for two charities:

The National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society (NRAS). It is the only patient-led organisation in the UK specialising in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). Due to its targeted focus on RA and JIA, NRAS provides truly expert and wide-ranging services to support, educate and campaign for people living with these complex autoimmune conditions, their families, and the health professionals who treat them.

James’ Place UK who make sure that help is available for every man facing a suicidal crisis and support them to find hope for the future.
